Nearshore Americas

Getting Attention from Nearshore Americas: How it Works

Why is Nearshore Americas not paying more attention to “x” country? It’s a question I get more and more as our publication has – in the last four years – become a core part of the thriving Nearshore industry.

Our intent to provide high quality information and analysis has never wavered. However, it seems like a critical time to point out that our highest value will never truly materialize unless we hear from you.

Why are you so important?

As a reader of Nearshore Americas – you are likely to have some vested interest in this marketplace. In other words, you are part of a community. Like any community (virtual, physical or a mix), it is essential to have participation and dialogue. We cannot emphasize enough that your voice has value – what you are observing and taking part in can bring tremendous benefit to our larger community.

We take our mission very seriously and have helped – in some immeasurable ways – to reframe the image many U.S. business people have about Latin America.

As the founder of Nearshore Americas, I’m always struck by the suggestion that we might be “ignoring” a certain country or subject. This type of thinking suggests that we’re in the business of unilaterally deciding where to put our editorial focus. Nothing could be further from the truth.

We’ve written close to 2,000 articles in the last four years, and without doubt, some of the most important articles have bubbled up from the marketplace – through thoughts, ideas and prodding from our readers.

My expectation from the very beginning of Nearshore Americas has been to help create a community and environment where connections and exchanges can flourish. Hopefully my team and I have made it clear that we’re real journalists – running a full-fledged media operation. (You may have noticed there are a precious few organizations of our kind in the entire Global Outsourcing industry). We take our mission very seriously and have helped – in some immeasurable ways – to reframe the image many U.S. business people have about Latin America.

If you’re a regular follower of Nearshore Americas, it’s not hard to see what we’re after: Sound information and ideas about the practice of outsourcing, investing and doing business in the Nearshore region. Within Latin America, we are curious to learn about programs launched by investment agencies and universities to become more competitive. For outsourcing customers, we constantly want to learn about your challenges and new discoveries.

Whether you’re with a vendor, a trade promotion agency, a multi-national customer, advisor or something else: We call on you to engage. Here are some quick thoughts on how to get involved:

Finally, I am particularly proud of the work of our editors – who are constantly banging on doors, chasing down people on Linkedin and tirelessly crossing international borders to cook up truly original reports. When they call – please help them out. Until then, play a part in helping us get strong.  Let us know you’re part of a community that still has many years of growth ahead of it.

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Kirk Laughlin

Kirk Laughlin is an award-winning editor and subject expert in information technology and offshore BPO/ contact center strategies.

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