Nearshore Americas is proud to unveil our new report, entitled BPO Cost and Physical Security: Ranking the Trade-off, in which we confirm the 10 most secure and cost-beneficial countries for Nearshore services.
Cost vs. Security: Weighing The Benefits
Nearshore BPO operators routinely wrestle with the competing realities of cost and physical security. Cost matters, a lot. In fact, it is the single most important factor in the decision to invest in nearshore services. Even so, it is an unavoidable fact that Latin America is one the world’s most dangerous regions. Less expensive geographies tend to be more dangerous for workers to live in and more dangerous for foreign visitors.
While this is part of the reality, perceptions created by news outlets can grossly overstate the negative side of the argument, sometimes even skewing BPO investment decisions. The untainted truth is that, even in El Salvador and Honduras, some of the world’s most dangerous countries, solid business continues to get done.
BPO Cost and Physical Security: Ranking the Trade-off indexes the ten most secure places in Latin America for global service providers to set up operations. As well as ranking them based on their cost and psychical security, we’ve deeply analyzed each nation from an investment perspective.
Research Methodology
Our breakdown weighs the factors of BPO costs against political stability, inequality, and homicide rates, determining which Latin American nations to choose for the most secure, cost-effective BPO investments.
Political stability has a significant effect on security; as stability decreases the government’s policing power erodes. Fortunately, things have improved since 2009, due in large part to better economic performance in countries with strong export links to the United States.
Historically, inequality has been one of the areas where Latin America as a region has struggled the most, but fortunately some smart social policies over the past decade have begun to whittle away the distance between the haves and have-nots.
Finally, the report takes homicides and crime rates into account, analyzing reports from the UN’s Office of Drug Control to InSight Crime’s most up-to-date figures to determine which countries are beginning to get this under control.
Country Comparisons
Within the report, we detail why Chile is the only Latin American country that comes close to being as safe as Canada, and why Argentina’s distinctive strengths in language ability and technology don’t exactly equate to low costs.
BPO Cost and Physical Security: Ranking the Trade-off breaks down the core reasons behind each nation’s ability to deliver low-cost nearshore services, while addressing the real security concerns that have been plaguing the region for decades. Click the button below to download the full report.
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