Nearshore Americas
Midas Guyana

Guyanese BPO, Midas, Expands Operations to Linden

Guyanese BPO startup Midas Inc has launched a contact center in the country’s second-largest city of Linden, in a move that will create more than 250 jobs by June next year.

The expansion comes following an agreement with the country’s investment promotion agency Go-Invest.

Around 70 people will be recruited by the end of this month, according to the company’s founder and CEO Malcolm Sobers.

Midas is said to be the first BPO to launch operations in Linden, also known as Guyana’s mining town.  Hundreds of job seekers attended the inauguration ceremony with an application in hand.

Midas BPO, according to the statement, is barely a year old and is headquartered in the capital of Georgetown, where it employs 330 people.

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Sobers served at various BPOs for more than 20 years before launching Midas. At the event, Sobers said that 17 years ago he made a first serious attempt to build a BPO firm. He failed. Ten years later, he tried again. “Nobody responded to my interest,” he recalled.

The BPO expansion comes as the government bolsters ICT infrastructure in the mining town. Earlier this year, Prime Minister Mark Phillips rolled out an ICT project worth US$17 million aiming to give high-speed internet access to more than 200 communities throughout the country.

Narayan Ammachchi

News Editor for Nearshore Americas, Narayan Ammachchi is a career journalist with a decade of experience in politics and international business. He works out of his base in the Indian Silicon City of Bangalore.

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