Nearshore Americas

Job Interviews Move Online, With Strict Travel Restrictions Coming into Force

An increasing number of recruiters are choosing video interviews over face-to-face interaction, with the outbreak of coronavirus resulting in travel restrictions.

Many large technology firms – including Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Intel – have already announced that they were shifting to online video conversations.

Video interviews are also inevitable at this moment of crisis because health officials are advising people to avoid handshaking to reduce exposure to the virus.

A report from Bloomberg says Intel and PwC are hiring college graduates after short video interviews. Linkedin, the popular social networking site for job hunters, has reportedly told an applicant that he can opt for an online interview.

Analysts say the new trend in job interviews will most likely continue even after coronavirus disappears, adding that recruiters are feeling comfortable with video interviews.

“It’s a radical new way of thinking about how the workplace should operate,” writes Jack Kelly, founder, and CEO of staffing firm, in Forbes.

“It shows that there is not an absolute need to have everyone congregated together in one place. With the advancements in technology, it’s possible to have large numbers, if not all, employees working remotely.”

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However, not all positions can be filled through video interviews. Many high-paying jobs in corporate firms require executives to meet their potential new employees in person.

Narayan Ammachchi

News Editor for Nearshore Americas, Narayan Ammachchi is a career journalist with a decade of experience in politics and international business. He works out of his base in the Indian Silicon City of Bangalore.

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