Nearshore Americas

Latin America is Uber’s Fastest Growing Region

Latin America is currently Uber’s fastest growing region in the world, despite the service remaining unregulated in many countries, operating without the support of local governments and sometimes in direct opposition to the governments.

It has over 25 million monthly active riders and a presence in over 200 metropolitan areas across 15 countries. It is Uber’s most profitable region, according to Forbes, and is responsible for the highest number of trips worldwide.

Uber’s success is largely thanks to the platform addressing dire regional transport needs as well as the fact is is geographically and culturally close to Uber’s global base in the US.

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Zach Marzouk

Zach has worked in the UK as a B2B technology journalist and is currently a News Editor at Nearshore Americas. He is based in Buenos Aires - feel free to contact him if you have any story ideas or want to chat about the industry.

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