Nearshore Americas
masaya volcano national park

Masaya Volcano National Park: Nicaragua’s Most Mesmerizing Natural Attraction

For a truly mind-blowing brush with the power of nature, take a trip to Masaya Volcano National Park near Managua, Nicaragua.

The park gives visitors a chance to peer into the crater of an angry, active volcano, providing a glimpse of an intimidating lake of molten lava, as it swirls and heaves in a mesmerizing, fiery dance — a rare phenomenon on Earth as the molten rocks often cool and solidify within weeks.

In order to witness the true beauty of this natural wonder, I highly recommend the night time tour, which starts from 5:30pm and costs US$10 per person — the night sky is blazoned with an orange glow from the heat of the volcano, and it’s also a great time and place for star gazing.

Photo: Martin Rietze

Matt Kendall

During his 2+ years as Chief Editor at Nearshore Americas, Matt Kendall operated at the heart of both the Nearshore BPO and IT services industries, reporting on the most impactful stories and trends in the sector.

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