With governments and private health companies still scrambling to develop a vaccine for Covid-19, remote work – for many companies – is here to stay.
One survey conducted by IDG showed that nearly three in four chief information officers (CIOs) believe the pandemic has contributed to a more positive view of remote work and will probably influence their plans for office space and tech staffing in the future. Another study by the Latin American BPO provider Atento revealed that that 79% of companies would permanently adopt the work-from-home (WFH) model for the future.
But even these clients – who represent industries such as banking, insurance, retail and telecommunications – concluded that the ideal amount of time spent remote working would be no more than 50%. That suggests that offices are far from a thing of the past, as some high-profile executives – including Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey – have announced.
Bur without doubt, the modern workplace will undergo dramatic changes. A heightened awareness of contagion and physical wellbeing will lead to dramatic shifts in the density, hygiene protocols and design of the modern office or contact center.
Drawing on research collected by the design consultancy Gensler, Nearshore Americas has created this handy infographic to illustrate some of the changes we can expect in the short, medium and long term.
What does it take achieve great outcomes in Nearshore services? If you would like to share an exciting case study or news story drop me a note — Steve Woodman, Managing Editor
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