Nearshore Americas

Report: Canada Must Do More to Nurture Tech

If Canada doesn’t encourage industries to scale up it may lose the momentum it has acquired from drawing tech investment to cities such as Toronto and Montreal, according to the CBRE.

The country needs “tech clusters”, areas where companies and educational and research institutions are located, similar to those in San Francisco and Seattle. Now Canada’s big cities need to expand their academic and research centers, talent pools, access to capital and infrastructure, said the CBRE.

Bloomberg reported that Canada’s tech industry accounts for 23 percent of office space requirements and 5.3 percent of all workers.

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Zach Marzouk

Zach has worked in the UK as a B2B technology journalist and is currently a News Editor at Nearshore Americas. He is based in Buenos Aires - feel free to contact him if you have any story ideas or want to chat about the industry.

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