Nearshore Americas
TCS Querétaro inauguration

TCS Expands in Querétaro with 100% Agile Delivery Center

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) Latin America officially inaugurated this month a new 100% agile delivery center in the City of Querétaro, Mexico as part of the company’s global goal of adopting agile as an operating methodology by March, 2020.

Rajeev Gupta, Head of Nearshore Operations at TCS, told Nearshore Americas that the new investment in these facilities fosters open communication in innovation-based teams within the workplace. However, the agile approach TCS is pursuing goes beyond just technology and software-development.

“From our side, what we want agile to be is more of a mindset change rather than just the implementation of new sets of processes in the way of working. It is more of our internal functions as well. Our finance teams, our human resources, marketing, administration, the entire organization works in an agile way,”  Gupta told Nearshore Americas.

Rajeev Gupta, Head of Nearshore Operations at TCS.

“That means a change in our workplaces, obviously, because how originally it was done was the independent cubicle type of structure, which was ok for that type of waterfall-based development or individual-based project delivery that used to happen. But now, with the agile way of working, where there is a lot of collaboration between the customers, the business teams, between our development teams, it becomes important for us to have our facilities that support this way of working,” he added.

What Querétaro Offers

TCS operations in Querétaro originally began in 2008. The company currently has four facilities in the city, counting the one that just opened. Overall, the seating capacity in Querétaro is close to 3,000 employees, with an eventual capacity of up to 2,500 employees in the new delivery center.

According to Gupta, Querétaro’s delivery center will support global, regional, and local clients, making the most of the city’s attributes.  “I think Querétaro has a very unique advantage of being near Mexico City, where a lot of our local and regional clients’ headquarters are based. So, it gives us the flexibility of being very near to Mexico City and still not in Mexico City, where you may have some of these logistical challenges associated with the commute time or the logistics,” Gupta said.

Beyond that, Gupta has confidence in Querétaro’s pool of talent, considering the excellent quality of its universities, with a constant flow of engineers and a steadily rising population of English-speakers.  Querétaro also ranks high on quality of life, which naturally attracts talent from nearby cities, including Mexico City.

TCS and Nearshore: A Tale of Continuous Expansion

TCS Latin America has been on a path of steady expansion for over ten years across Mexico and South America. Gupta agrees that this expansion is further validation that the Nearshore model continues to be attractive for global clients. “We are growing at double digits year on year. Our clients are having more and more confidence in our Nearshore delivery. We are getting new clients from the US and Europe, which is a testimony to the confidence in the Nearshore model, the value that they are getting from locations like Mexico or Uruguay,” Gupta said. TCS Latin America launched its first Nearshore center in Uruguay in 2002, marking the first landing of an Indian-heritage IT company in Latin America.

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The pace of growth has also led TCS to offer new services in creative areas, such as digital marketing.  “We are doing this type of work for a majority of our large clients who are using nearshoring for their end to end digital marketing campaign running in terms of designing, conceptualization, and then marketing and distribution. So, I see a good future on the work that we do for the marketing officers,” Gupta said.

Besides Querétaro, TCS Mexico has operational facilities in Guadalajara and Mexico City.

Diego Pérez-Damasco

Diego Pérez-Damasco is a writer and managing editor at Nearshore Americas. He has more than six years of experience covering politics and business in Latin America. He has been published in media outlets throughout the Americas and holds an MA in International Journalism from the University of Sussex, United Kingdom. Diego is based in Costa Rica.

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