Unosquare LLC, with operations in Guadalajara, Mexico and Portland, Oregon, today announced a collocation and business partnership with KM2 Solutions in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. Through its established location inside the world class Altia Business Park, KM2 Solutions will provide Unosquare with infrastructure and employer services.
For its end of the partnership Unosquare will provide advancement and training opportunities for KM2 employees. Unosquare provides US customers with software development, testing, and application support services from its nearshore locations. KM2 provides contact center services from its nearshore locations and both companies leverage the lower cost labor pool and same time zone advantages for their US clients.
“This partnership will give KM2 Solutions call center employees, our most valuable resource, more options to expand their own career,” said Maggi Williams, Chief Global Strategy Officer for KM2. The partnership is intended to advance and expand the lifecyle of a nearshore contact center worker by giving some of them opportunities to enhance their skills and work in the IT realm as well.
“San Pedro Sula offers our clients a substantial pool of .Net (Microsoft) development and software testing capabilities,” said Unosquare CEO, Mike Barrett. “By providing certain services and access to English speaking resources, our partnership with KM2 gives us a running start to set up and manage our operation there.”
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