Nearshore Americas
bilingual team

Webinar: Science Behind Building a Sustainable Bilingual Team

Nearshore Americas has teamed up with Emmersion to present a special webinar on how call centers can build a sustainable, bilingual team and stand above the competition.

Scheduled for 2PM EDT, 26 January 2022, the webinar will deliver expert knowledge on human skill development in BPOs.

At the event, Paul Thatche, VP of People at Emmersion, will narrate a step-by-step approach, besides sharing his company’s experience in building the right team.

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Customer service agents are the lifeblood of contact centers, which means developing a strong bilingual team with superior communication skills is a vital step toward business success.

Many BPO organizations often launch aggressive recruitment campaigns, but barely a few of them end up building a strong workforce, largely due to haphazard planning and wrong approach.

The webinar will present insights from Nearshore contact centers to help participants understand the science behind developing a sustainable and skilled workforce.

An expert in BPO HR management, Emmersion uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning to automate the language evolution processes. The company’s technology solutions make it easier for contact centers to identify the right bilingual agent for hiring, in addition to automating performance assessment models.

AI solutions are an alternative to traditional, in-person assessments, which can be time-consuming and inconvenient. Technology will no doubt minimize human bias, save time, and increase accuracy.

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However, technological tools alone cannot deal with the problem, as building a strong team requires adopting a cultural approach as well. Leveraging existing employees to identify potential hires is just as important, say analysts.

To register for the event and hear about how science can develop a competitive, sustainable call center team, click here.

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