In a just-released white paper, Nearshore Americas examines the game-changing impacts of mobile computing in an increasingly networked world. The paper, authored by NSAM Research Director Luke Bujarski, studies the best models of mobility adoption, the challenges on the way to adoption and the solutions to deal with them all. Its findings: A successful mobile enterprise strategy requires foresight, planning and flexibility. Enterprises need to assure that their mobility initiatives are tightly aligned with the company’s product and services roadmap.
Clearly, transitioning PC-based enterprise systems to the mobile and tablet environment presents enormous challenges. The paper focuses on ten factors –– user experience design, continuity, architectural mastery, development methodology, scale, BYOD, device management, security, metrics collection, Big Data, support & maintenance. The report draws on mobility market analysis, experiences of companies like Ci&T, and surveys and studies conducted by TEKsystems, IDC and Gartner Inc.
Going mobile for the sake of going mobile does not guarantee a return on investment. A firm’s mobile adoption strategy should integrate seamlessly with existing programs and applications. Evolving the apps around existing processes will pay off in the long run and improve levels of user adoption.
“A successful mobile enterprise strategy creates maximum value to both the end user and business as a whole, by leveraging the latest mobile technology to the greatest extent possible, without compromising worker productivity and security,” says Marcio Cyrillo, Head of Mobile Strategy at Ci&T.
And mobile technology – whether it is a device, operating system or development platform – has continued to evolve rapidly. Therefore devising a mobility strategy around a rapidly changing technology requires foresight and flexibility.
In addition, mobile computing is a consumer-driven phenomenon, meaning that individuals, not companies, are defining the rules of the game. Using mobile devices as personal productivity tools, consumers are now driving the standards to which enterprises need to adhere.
The white paper also describes how a combination of cloud and mobility can create instant value for enterprises.
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