Nearshore Americas

Nominations for 2013 Power 50 Ranking Now Open!

Nominations for the 2013 Power 50 ranking – the ultimate guide to the most influential executives in Latin America IT, BPO and Shared Services – are now open. Click on the word “NOMINATE” below to go straight to the Power 50 nomination form.
The Power 50 Ranking
– now in its third year – strives to recognize and celebrate the most exemplary professionals in the Nearshore/Latin America outsourcing industry. Key points:

  • Nominations will be evaluated by a five member panel of industry experts.
  • The deadline for receiving nominations is December 15, 2012.
  • In order to be considered for the Power 50, a nomination must be received by Nearshore Americas. (In other words, the final ranking will ONLY  reflect the names of nominees received through our online nomination process.)
  • There is no cost to participate.
  • Spread the word through Twitter, using this hashtag: #nsampower50
  • We thank you for your participation – Help us identify the very best leaders of our industry!

– The Power 50 Judges

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Kirk Laughlin

Kirk Laughlin is an award-winning editor and subject expert in information technology and offshore BPO/ contact center strategies.

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