Nearshore Americas

Forbes: Why IT in Mexico Is “Booming”

If you’re considering outsourcing IT or business process work to Mexico but are nervous about security, the best way to learn more is to visit. But if you can’t get to, say, Guadalajara, the next best thing was to get to know Nearshore IT providers, and their customers at a recent industry event which attracted press attention from none other than Forbes Magazine.

Forbes blogger Nathaniel Parish Flannerycame away from the recent Nearshore Nexus Executive Summit impressed, and wrote afterwards that problems on the northern border of Mexico are “not stopping a wave of investment in (the country’s) booming IT sector” and that at Nexus “Mexico in particular was touted as being a safe place for international investors to visit.”

He cited advantages such as time zones Latin America shares with North America and the cultural affinity many in Latin America, and especially in Mexico, have with the United States. While “companies with operations in Mexico must pay their engineers more than their counterparts in Asia, once the total costs of operation are taken into consideration, Mexico is starting to be viewed as being more competitive,” he wrote. “A nascent, but fast growing IT services industry has already taken root, doubling in size in the last five years.”

Flannery also gave Guadalajara a shout-out by quoting Juan Roman Escamilla, president of IT outsourcing firm UnoSquare, as saying that life is just fine for him. “I drive a convertible, red Porsche around [Guadalajara] and nothing has happened,” he joked.

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It’s just that sort of “on the ground” view of the city’s start-up scene and night life that gets behind the headlines and into the nuanced reality – the reality on which smart IT professionals make their outsourcing decisions.

Kirk Laughlin

Kirk Laughlin is an award-winning editor and subject expert in information technology and offshore BPO/ contact center strategies.

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