Nearshore Americas

Going Global Mexico Investment Guide

Going Global Mexico Investment Guide

Mexico’s outsourcing industry is expected to grow by 10-15 percent this year, amounting to roughly USD $13 billion by year’s end. ITO will represent around 60 percent of this revenue. However, getting the proper project to the right region within Mexico requires a keen understanding of how the country and the regions within it compare on critical attributes such as wage levels, skills, infrastructure and security.

Among the key findings:

Despite hurdles, Mexico’s outsourcing industry is expected to grow in 2012.Key areas where Mexico can add value include multimedia web development, mobile application development, gaming, and software testing. Challenges for Mexico include conservative business attitudes, high telecommunications costs, and a potential shortage of skilled English-speaking personnel in key outsourcing locales such as Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey.

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Juan Diego Pulgarin