Nearshore Americas

Nearshore Forum: Digital Growth in Latin America Enters Year of Reckoning

Latin America and the Caribbean’s 300 million digital consumers are set to grow over 20% by 2025. The potential for the region, as digital transformation continues unabated, is huge. 

But how can organizations capture that potential, and what are the specificities of the region’s market that they must understand and abide by?

Nearshore Americas chatted with Christian Muñiz, a digital growth expert and currently growth director at Yaydoo, a Mexico City-based fintech focused on streamlining corporate payment processes.

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We chatted about how the impact had altered companies’ needs in digital growth, the KPIs that companies will push during the coming year, and how distribution channel challenges impede or aid the quest for profit in Latin America.

The entire interview can be watched below:

Peter Appleby

Peter is former Managing Editor of Nearshore Americas. Hailing from Liverpool, UK, he is now based in Mexico City. He has several years’ experience covering the business and energy markets in Mexico and the greater Latin American region. If you’d like to share any tips or story ideas, please reach out to him here.

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