Nearshore Americas

Nexus 2024: The Comeback and Refocus of Captive Centers

Captive centers have made a comeback, but the market won’t settle for the old model. The plan has changed.

“It was all about cost optimization. The industry was dormant when it comes to captive centers. It was about outsourcing,” said Juan Coronado, Strategic Sourcing Managing Director at Deloitte, during a Nexus 2024 panel on the topic.

“But today,” Juan continued, “we see al lot of interest from clients in setting up or improving their capability centers. And the main driver is the attraction of people, of skills, and accelerating the transformation of their organizations.”

Captive centers are almost as old as nearshoring itself, and they’ve had to keep up with the needs of clients and the whims of the market. Now, in the face of another industry-disrupting shift, it’s time once again for a makeover.

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In the video below, you’ll find a deep dive into the conversation around captives. Moderated by NSAM’s Managing Director and Chief Analyst, Kirk Laughlin, a group of nearshore market players gathered in front of the Nexus 2024 and discussed the past, present and near future of captive centers, the shift in clients’ expectations for the model and where are captives –and the industry in general– heading under this new direction.  

Cesar Cantu

Cesar is the Managing Editor of Nearshore Americas. He's a journalist based in Mexico City, with experience covering foreign trade policy, agribusiness and the food industry in Mexico and Latin America.

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