Nearshore Americas

Slideshow: Nexus 2019 Points to Prosperity for Nearshore Business

This year’s Nexus 2019 event was held in New York City on May 15-16, a high-level series of keynotes and panel discussions that offered attendees invaluable insight into the trends and opportunities on offer in the nearshore.

Among the themes covered during the panel discussions were digital business transformation, banking and fintech and the moves toward automation, as well as the harnessing of digital channels to fuel business growth.

The success story that is Colombia, and how it is emerging as a nearshore market, both as a BPO destination and a software development hub, and the importance of compliance for nearshore players entering into contracts with companies in the US, were also the themes of keynotes and panel discussions during the day’s agenda.

The role of digital accelerators, how cloud and artificial intelligence-managed solutions and services have placed Mexico in a position of leadership in the region, and how software developers can collaborate were also themes that captivated attendees.

This slideshow offers a glimpse into the diversity of participants and the engaging atmosphere of the event, and which also included the presentation of the 2019 Illuminate Awards, for nearshore company and destination of the year, entrepreneur and trendsetter of the year, and nearshore executive and investment professional of the year.


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Adam Critchley

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