Nearshore Americas

Your Voice Counts, Your Story Matters: A Personal Note

In the two months since launching CaribbeanCRMCentral, one truth has become boldly clear to me: The nearshore sourcing community has important stories to tell. These stories get to the heart of successful business partnerships:

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  • Outsourcing providers scoring powerful results in customer service support and contact center performance
  • Groundswells of interest in building KPO and ITO capabilities
  • The establishment of attractive tax relief and real estate usage incentives, championed by economic development agencies
  • Captive organizations building robust nearshore sites to better service their customers – and fulfilling the core fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders of building more profitable operations. (Stay tuned for more coverage – both Telus from Canada and VistaPrint are doing interviews with us to tell about high performing nearshore operations.)

If you’re reading this far – there is a good chance you are part of this dynamic community. (We’re talking about a region that stretches from the Caribbean through Central American and the two Andean nations of Colombia and Venezuela, with a total population approaching 140 million people.)
I invite you to tell your story, to talk to me (and our growing community) about your observations, successes and areas where the nearshore community needs to  create more value and build stronger competencies. (Or leave a comment in the section below.) We have opportunities for guest columnists, one-time bloggers, Q/A interviews and other ways to get your ideas and message across. Send notes to:
PS: I am a big believer in meeting face-to-face. Give me and my team a good reason to come visit and the drinks are on us!

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