Nearshore Americas
mayors challenge

Mayors Challenge 2016 Selects 20 LatAm & Caribbean Cities

Cities across Latin America and the Caribbean have been called upon to participate in the Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge, an annual competition that encourages city leaders to define a serious problem and develop bold, new ideas to solve it.
More than 900 Latin American and Caribbean cities were invited to compete, with 290 of them submitting applications from 19 countries in the region. This participation level represents 31% of all eligible cities, which overshadows the rate of US and European cities at 24% and 26%, respectively.
Twenty cities have been selected to continue in the competition as finalists and are being reviewed by the selection committee. Winners will be announced in late 2016.

Matt Kendall

During his 2+ years as Chief Editor at Nearshore Americas, Matt Kendall operated at the heart of both the Nearshore BPO and IT services industries, reporting on the most impactful stories and trends in the sector.

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