Nearshore Americas

Nearshore Nexus Returns to New York City in June

The most influential conference in the Nearshore services industry, Nexus 2022, will return to New York City for both in-person and virtual attendance on June 8-9th. Registration opens today on the Nexus 2022 website, and sponsorships are also available. 

“An essential part of the mission of Nearshore Americas is to bring people together,” said Kirk Laughlin, founder of Nearshore Americas and the Nexus franchise. “We are extremely excited to resume the important work of building bridges between businesses and across cultures and countries in June.” 

This year’s conference will be held at the Apella Events space, on the East side of Manhattan, and easy walking distance to midtown. Nexus 2015 was held at Apella, and featured at that time a keynote presentation by Francisco Palmieri, a leading Latin America expert with the US State Department. 

Nexus 2022 will focus on several key topic areas including: 

  • IT Leaders Panel: Cloud Strategies for the Customer-Focused Enterprise 
  • Labor Pool Super Session: Nearshore Digital Talent Outlook
  • Software Project Rulebook:  Transformation in a Digital Economy 
  • Evaluating CX Partners: Testing Quality, Talent and Vision
  • Managing Vendors in a New Tech Universe (Ai, RPA, Fintech and Blockchain) 
  • Location Analysis: Metrics Guiding the Coming Wave of Investment 
  • Dreamers and Disruptors: Nearshore’s Most Compelling Entrepreneurs

Ahead of the Nexus main event on June 9th, the conference will officially begin the night before at a reception called ‘Nexus Opening Night.’ During that program, the winners of the annual Nexus Illuminate Awards will be revealed and celebrated. (Nominations for the Nexus Illuminate Awards will open in March. Watch for more announcements at Nearshore Americas.)

– Register here for Nexus 2022 –

Nexus 2022 is being re-launched at a time of unprecedented industry growth, engaging the largest number of US and global enterprise clients in the 25-year history of IT and business process Nearshoring. The growth has not come without new questions about the scalability and readiness of the Latin America and Caribbean region to absorb the fast-expanding volume of demand. 

Kirk Laughlin, founder of Nearshore Americas, speaks during Nexus 2015

“Without question, an important part of the discussion at Nexus will be how well the industry and countries in the region are prepared to respond to the deluge of demand for new talent, new delivery centers and specialized areas of digital competencies. This is an industry that is defined by fierce global competitiveness, so we will look at this question very closely,” said Laughlin. 

The same level of scrutiny and search for insight that has helped shape the evolution of Nearshore Americas over the last 13 years is closely aligned with the objectives and processes applied in the Nexus programming and structure, he explained.

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“This is a major inflection moment for Nearshore, which is still a very young industry. The quality and depth of discussion is incredibly important,” said Laughlin “What the buy-side constantly tells us is they want engaged partners who are willing to look at the whole picture and consider the strategic needs of the enterprise’s digital journey beyond the pure transactional piece. We see engagement – real engagement – as allowing for deeper dialogue and a willingness to understand the whole context of how to shape successful Nearshore partnerships.” 

We encourage those interested in attending Nexus 2022 to review the FAQs section on the Nexus website. In the coming weeks, the Nexus producers will be making major announcements about our very special Keynote Speaker, and other noteworthy experts joining the speaker roster. See you in New York City!

Nearshore Americas

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