Big Data specialist TiBCO and Colombia’s Heinsohn Business Technology have teamed up during the last three years to optimize TiBCO’s internal business applications – and the entire project is revealed in a new White Paper published exclusively by Nearshore Americas.
TiBCO’s relationship with Heinsohn dates back to 2011. At that time the primary aim was to improve TiBCO’s internal business applications. Over the years, the relationship has evolved significantly: Today there are hundreds of Heinsohn engineers helping TiBCO optimize its business throughout the region.
If everything goes according to plan, Heinsohn will double its number of engineers this year. Bogota-based Heinsohn has employed over 700 technology professionals. And, two-thirds of engineers are certified professionals in skills such as .NeT, Java, and software architecture, SOA/BPM.
DOWLOAD THE FULL REPORT: “Leveraging Colombia to Propel Global Business Solutions”
TiBCO says it tapped Heinsohn for its experience in complex systems, integrated software development, and Service Oriented architecture (SOA) consulting capability. More than anything else, the TiBCO team needed a partner that could satisfy their need for an Agile-driven development processes.
The partnership has greatly paved the way for TiBCO to bring its own Big Data and software integration solutions to Colombia and other important markets in Latin America.
Analysts say Colombia’s business-friendly climate, price-competitiveness and the time-zone alignment with the United States are going in favor of this partnership.
Momentum in Colombia
Several corporate companies have already put to use Heinsohn’s technology solutions to drive efficiency and profit. For example, Heinsohn built a technology platform for RUNT, Colombia’s Department of Motor Vehicles, to manage data regarding vehicles, drivers, traffic accidents, traffic insurance, and public transport companies. The system tracks over 10 million citizens and companies, 6 million driver’s licenses, and integrates 230 different traffic organizations in Colombia.
Also benefited from Heinsohn is ASOFONDOS, Colombia’s main pension fund management entity. Heinsohn manages the association’s main information exchange, which tracks six major pension funds and more than 45 million transactions annually for its 14 million members.
Other major clientes include Titularizadora, a mortgage securitization company; Famisanar, a heathcare services firm, and Colombia’s agribusiness association, Fedepalma.
In addition, Heinsohn has joined forces with some of the best universities in the country in order provide training for the Colombian technology industry. The company participates in research communities working with professors and students to implement real-world projects, develop university coursework, and organize student exchange programs.
Heinsohn says it is ‘an employer of choice’ in Colombia because its employee retention rate averages at 90 percent.
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