Nearshore Americas

Free Online Crowdfunding Course for Caribbean Entrepreneurs

Crowdfunding is being recognized by international institutions, such as the World Bank Group, as having significant impact on local economic development. In the Caribbean, however, it is still a relatively new concept, so the Crowdfunding MOOC for Caribbean Entrepreneurs (CMCE) has been introduced to address that.
CMCE is a free online training course that explores unconventional approaches in entrepreneurship financing for Caribbeans. This Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) uses an innovative web-based learning platform to reach a large number of participants, and is part of the World Bank’s Entrepreneurship Program for Innovation in the Caribbean (EPIC): a seven-year program funded by the Government of Canada.
Applications are only open until August 21st, so apply fast! You can find more information here.

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Matt Kendall

During his 2+ years as Chief Editor at Nearshore Americas, Matt Kendall operated at the heart of both the Nearshore BPO and IT services industries, reporting on the most impactful stories and trends in the sector.

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